Advanced Database Technology


The aim of this module is to give students a deeper and broader view of the topic, through consideration of the elements of constructing database system software, and by examining the variety of systems and applications currently in use and being researched.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the issues involved in developing database management software.

  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the reasons for the variety of database types now available.

  3. Design databases using relational and post relational architecture patterns.

  4. Develop databases using relational and post relational architecture patterns.

  5. Emerging Database Technologies - Understand how modern applications and technologies integrate with various types of databases.

  6. Query Optimisation and Performance Tuning - Demonstrate and develop efficient SQL queries to fine tune and optimise database management systems.

  7. Advanced database design and modelling - designing and developing complex data models for enterprise environments.

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