Assessing the Impact


The basis of sustainability from a business perspective is reported as the triple bottom line, in the hope of addressing the three Es / Ps. However, when one critically examines this model each of the Es, in most business contexts component has an equal waiting which fails to realise the nested nature and complexity of the systems. Within this module students will be introduced to the wide range of impacts that current economic and development strategies are having on the environment, society and the economy. The module initially focuses on understanding the impacts of existing business models in a holistic way - from the social, economic and environmental perspectives. 

Initially the module seeks to create a critical awareness of these impacts and of existing metrics and reporting in the business community and in wider society. There is a critique of the value, usefulness and role of the exiting metrics. Based this critique, students are challenged to scope and explore the impacts of business on the broader ecosystem and the opportunities for developing new metrics and explore other ways of reporting that acknowledge the primacy of environment and society over economy. This re-imaging exercises will require innovation and explore emerging practices in addition to encouraging creativity of students in addressing means of adapting and developing metrics that are a true measure of the triple bottom line.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess an organisations environmental impact in terms of existing  energy usage, CO2 emissions, water usage, resource requirements and efficiency, waste generation and management (including opportunities for engaging circular economy principles) and biodiversity. 

  2. Identify and evaluate the broader range of ecosystem impacts that an organisation / operation has

  3. Be familiar with national and international environmental legislation, policies and targets for a specific sector

  4. Critically evaluate existing climate change, sustainability metrics and reporting protocols and be innovative in proposing other potential metrics.

  5. Analyse organisational impact metrics and prepare a report which includes a strategic mitigation plan

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