Circular Built Environment Minor Thesis


This module aims to build on the findings from the Applied Work-Based Research module by providing an opportunity to further examine and evaluate the implementation of circular economy interventions within an organisational and/or project-based workplace context with a view to producing a scholarly and academic output. The module will embed research methodologies within an academic-industry reciprocal learning framework to demonstrate how to translate applied work-based findings into an academic context. The learner will prepare a minor thesis (35,000 words) and journal paper (5,000 words).  

Learning Outcomes

  1. Prepare a minor thesis research proposal that demonstrates an ability to synthesize, analyze and evaluate the applied work-based research findings with a view to identifying opportunities for a more detailed investigation.

  2. Demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate how evolving applied work-based research methodologies and strategies can inform academic practice i.e., teaching, learning and research, and vice-versa.

  3. Prepare a research plan of work that will set out the: aims and objectives; selected methodology; implementation and benchmarking framework; and critical reflection milestones.

  4. Examine the challenges and opportunities of translating research evidence into project, organizational, value chain and sector-wide policy and practice.

  5. Prepare a minor thesis document and journal paper.

  6. Critically reflect on the role of the practitioner-researcher-leader within different contexts i.e., project, organization, sector, community of practice, and its relationship to lifelong learning pathways and continuous professional development.

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