Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery 2
Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) embody a culture, set of operating principles, and collection of practices that enable application development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. The implementation is also known as the CI/CD pipeline.
In this module, students will be required to make use of containers and cloud services in developing and deploying their applications using a CI/CD pipeline. Containers are a way of packaging software such that it has no dependencies on the machine. All the application’s code, libraries and dependencies are packaged into the container.
The student will also examine how Container orchestration systems allow multiple containers to run on different machines, how containers and clusters can be scaled up and down, provide load balancing, and managing node failure.
Learning Outcomes
Compare and contrast software build tools for continuous integration and containerization.
Compare and contrast the difference between Virtualization and Containerization
Demonstrate how to work with Docker images, containers, and command line tools
Build and deploy an app on a Container Orchestration Systems and scale it horizontally
Debug containers and clusters by understanding their composition and internal processes
Examine Container Orchestration tools used for automating deployment, scaling, security, and management of
containerized applications