Erasmus Mundus Research Thesis
The learner will undertake an approved research project under the direction of an internal supervisor. Projects may be drawn from any discipline within the course or from an area of expertise of the supervisor. Design of the project should be produced by the learner with the advice of the supervisor.
Learning Outcomes
Identify and choose a research project topic and plan the delivery of that research project
Select and synthesise information available in scientific literature (and in some cases other literature) in order to establish the need for, and potential scope and context of, the research project
Develop creative ways of solving new research problems
Collect and analyse data qualitatively and quantitatively, including an assessment of the statistical validity of the research results
Manage resources allocated to completing a scientific research project
Communicate research results in written and oral forms, demonstrating critical analysis, synthesis and organisation of knowledge, and the construction of a rational and lucid scientific argument