Farm Animal Health and Planning


This module is to equip the learner with the knowledge and skills required to monitor metabolic and health issues pertaining to farm animals and to allow the learner to plan ahead for future farm development/ownership.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify, recognise and describe a broad range of common diseases, pests and other welfare issues in farm animals.

  2. Evaluate and devise a health and vaccination management programme for a beef/dairy herd and a sheep flock.

  3. Contrast, discuss and compare how different biosecurity measures could be used collectively to achieve a high herd health status.

  4. Evaluate and discuss current government and other schemes pertaining to farm health & safety, agri-environment and sustainability in Ireland and evaluate realistic options to improve a given agricultural situation, considering EU and National Legislation.

  5. Appraise the taxation system in relation to agriculture and investigate succession, inheritance, ownership rights and calculate the costs of transferring ownership of farm property when planning for the future.

% Coursework 60%
% Final Exam 40%