German Language and Culture 4


Set at CEFR level B1.1 (+) to B1.2 this course aims to build on the language competencies of learners who have studied German to A2 level or an equivalent standard. During the year, students will undertake individual and group tasks to develop their competencies in spoken and written production as well as their ability to interact in the target language and broaden their knowledge of German culture and society. The students will acquire skills that will assist them in sourcing and critically evaluating information about German-speaking cultures and creating spoken pieces and written texts in the target language, as well as life-long learning. Upon successful completion of this module students are deemed to have reached Level B1 of the Common European Framework.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Engage with and comprehend multi-modal texts and videos on familiar and formal matters regularly encountered in work and college and media content concerning current affairs (e.g. employability and the environment).

  2. Scan texts to find relevant information in everyday material, such as newspapers, brochures, websites, and advertisements on familiar subjects.

  3. Interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity and give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life.

  4. Produce straightforward connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest and maintain a high degree and consistent grammatical control of advanced structures in the target language; translate and review factual texts of an appropriate level from the target language.

  5. Analyse and discuss the socio-economic environment in regions where the target language is spoken.

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