Humanities and Nursing


The module aims to imbue students with an appreciation of the value of the humanities as a means of understanding the human condition. It seeks to facilitate their development as healthcare professionals who can appreciate the individuality of the people they encounter. This module seeks to engage students in the exploration of the humanities with the intention of enhancing their practice as nurses in the context of a healthcare system which values the primacy of the positivist paradigm.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Appreciate the value of the humanities as an expression of human creativity and as a resource for nursing practice.

  2. Use the humanities to develop their understanding of a spectrum of human experience relevant to the discipline of nursing.

  3. Appraise the therapeutic value of arts based activities in the context of nursing practice.

  4. Evaluate the influence of the aesthetic dimensions of the built environment on health, illness  and the well-being of individuals.

  5. Develop an enhanced capacity for independent thought, critical reflection, self-knowledge and use of creativity in their practice.

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