Integrated Energy Systems


As countries undergo the energy transition defined in recent European Union (EU) renewable energy directives (2009, 2018 and 2021), large scale sustainable energy systems are being integrated with traditional fossil fuel energy systems.  This energy transition also demand increasing levels of integration between the electricity, heating and transport sectors within each country and between neighbouring country's electricity grids. The status of Ireland's energy transition is reviewed and contrasted with other EU countries. Learners will establish a thorough understanding of the associated energy engineering design challenges and study solutions being successfully implemented overseas.  Integrated Energy System (IES) design skills are enhanced by using software that facilitate sustainable energy system selection, sizing and design.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the rationale underpinning the need for the energy transition and the current status of initiatives being undertaken in Ireland to integrate: (a) sustainable energy technologies with traditional fossil fuels; (b) electricity, heating and transport services; and (c) the electricity grids of neighbouring countries.

  2. Appraise the extent of the energy engineering design and societal challenge associated with delivering a reliable and cost-effective Integrated Energy System (IES) capable of servicing Ireland's electricity, heating and transport demands.

  3. Differentiate different energy system design challenges and select the appropriate energy system design software for a project, be it defined by geography (international, national, regional or local), energy service (electricity, thermal or transport) or requirements (scoping, planning, system selection and sizing, economics, or simulation supporting detailed design and operational control).

  4. Critique the economic viability of energy systems using standard financial measures for long-term investments: net present value (NPV), break-even point, minimum attractive rate of return (MARR), and internal rate of return (IRR).   

  5. Construct an energy system model for a case study application and use it to recommend and justify a viable IES that meets design requirements.

% Coursework 40%
% Final Exam 60%