Introduction to Individual Differences


Individual differences is a branch of psychology which involves the study of how and why individuals are varied in their psychological traits, as well as the outcomes of these differences. This can include examination of a range of areas such as personality traits, emotion, motivation, mood, mental health and intelligence.

Individual differences are relevant to a broad spectrum of areas which are covered in greater depth in later programme modules. For example, abnormal psychology, intelligence, developmental psychology and interpersonal relationships in various contexts. For that reason, this module provides learners with foundational knowledge on theory, assessment and application of research in the field of individual differences

Learning Outcomes

  1. Outline the importance of inclusion, diversity and identity in the psychology of individual differences

  2. Discuss the determinants of individual differences

  3. Define and apply key personality concepts, terms, and theories

  4. Define and apply key intelligence concepts, terms, and theories

  5. Describe models of mood and mood change

  6. Discuss the limitations or criticisms of psychometric measures and how these influence our understanding of individual differences

  7. Discuss how theories about individual differences can inform practice (e.g., education, the workplace)

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