Law, Policy and Activism


Situated within the broad framework of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), this module explores political activism, movements and campaigns, from community-based action to global movements. This module will critically examine the links between political activism, campaigns, and policy change. The limitations of the structures in an Irish context will be analysed, citing calls for development and improvement from Irish civil society and international bodies. It will examine historical and contemporary activism, the forms it takes, and the factors that determine success or failure in a rapidly changing world. The module will also examine key areas in EDI like gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, age, disability, member of the Traveller community and race.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Encourage, promote and enact equality, diversity and inclusion measures in various settings. 

  2. Critically assess the impact of various types of activism, campaigns and social movements. 

  3. Assess Irish and EU policy and legislation with respect to discrimination and inclusion.

  4. Identify and critique governance structures and instruments to achieve social change.

  5. Apply skills developed in this module to support or activate a change process.

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