New partnership between GMIT and Volunteer Galway

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Press Office
Press Release

Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) and Volunteer Galway have established a partnership aimed at enhancing civic engagement in Galway City and county. The formal agreement was signed in the college on Thursday, 22 February 2018, by the President of GMIT, Dr Fergal Barry, and the Chairperson of Volunteer Galway Jason Craughwell.

Both organisations, in a Memorandum of Understanding, set out a commitment to combine resources and expertise to help develop and support world-leading practices in non-profit organisations and to further increase voluntary activity in the city and county.

GMIT will establish a President’s Award to celebrate civic engagement by students and staff, allow Volunteer Galway access to relevant venue space for free, and establish a community of interest within GMIT to work with Volunteer Galway towards the development of a Centre of Excellence for Civic Engagement.

Volunteer Galway will provide administrative assistance on this work, promote civic engagement-related activities by GMIT to non-profit organisations and the general public including promoting placement opportunity requests on behalf of students, and provide an onsite outreach service to assist students and staff in GMIT to finding suitable volunteer roles.

Both organisations will develop an annual activity plan, develop and host an annual one-day charity skills conference, and share information and resources on projects.

Jason Craughwell, Chairperson of Volunteer Galway, says: “We see our new partnership with GMIT as an exciting opportunity to increase the impact of volunteering in Galway City and County and also to strengthen the ability of community organisations to achieve their objectives’

Dr Fergal Barry, President of GMIT, says: “GMIT students and staff have long established connections with a broad range of community and voluntary organisations in the city and county. This new agreement recognises and formalises our continuing work and commitment to these organisations through Volunteer Galway and to civic engagement initiatives”.

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