Offenders, Ex- Prisoners and Care
The aim of the module is to enable the student to develop an insight into the issues and challenges for social care workers of working with offenders, ex-prisoners and their families in the community. The module is intended to enable students gain an understanding of the need for adequate services, policy and advocacy for offenders, ex-prisoners, their families and those working with these groups. The module also aims to enable the student gain an understanding of the link between poverty, mental illness, social disadvantage and crime, and to identify the role for early intervention and rehabilitation strategies.
This module maps to the CORU Standards of Proficiency below:
Domain 1: Professional Autonomy and Accountability
Domain 2: Communication, Collaborative Practice, and Team working
Domain 3: Safety and Quality
Domain 5: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Learning Outcomes
Develop knowledge, skills and attitudes for social care workers in relation to working with offenders and ex-prisoners, their families and communities. (Domain 1.3, 1.6, 2.2, 2.12, 3.6, 5.2, 5.11)
Critically discuss the relationships between poverty and crime, mental health and crime, social disadvantage and crime. (Domain 1.6, 3.6, 5.2)
Critically evaluate policy development initiatives in this area. (Domain 1.6, 1.9, 3.6)
Critically challenge cultural and societal attitudes to offenders and ex-prisoners. (Domain 1.6, 3.6, 5.2)
Critically discuss the role of inter-agency and interdisciplinary services working with offenders and ex-prisoners and the role of advocacy for this client group. (Domain 1.3, 1.6, 2.12, 3.6, 5.15)