Quantity Surveying Practice and Procedures


An introduction to the construction industry, its parties, practices and control mechanisms. An overview of the surveying related practices of costing and measurement

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an appreciation of the overall roles, scope and importance of the construction industry to a countrys economic climate

  2. Demonstrate knowledge of measurement for cost planning using excel and the ARM4 and standard cost planning docs

  3. Identify the cost factors for construction projects including applying theory to practice and prepare an OMC for construction projects

  4. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the various parties operating within the industry and their responsibility from inception to completion including procurement procedures

  5. Appraise the factors that affect construction costs including the use of ARM 4 measurement and utilising cost data from various sourses to build up unit rates from first principles

  6. Evaluate current regulations appropriate to the construction Industry and the professional Quantity Surveyor

  7. Develop effective and efficient self directed study skills including working as part of a team

  8. Demonstrate an understanding of the Liaison Committee Guidance Notes (Code of Practice for Tendering & Contractual Matters 2018)

  9. Demonstrate an understanding of the Irish planning permission system and local authority development plans.

% Coursework 50%
% Final Exam 50%