Research Methods for Computer Scientists


This is a course on research methods specific to research in computer science and informatics. Completion of this module prior to commencing the Masters Project is compulsory for all students on the M.Sc. in Computing. The course is assessed by a portfolio of course work (55%), and a project proposal and presentation (45%).

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the methods used to carry out a postgraduate research project in computing and related disciplines. It is designed for students from a wide variety of backgrounds and aims to help them to develop critical thinking and to learn research techniques. In particular, it will provide them with the skills that they will need to undertake their own research on the M.Sc. in Computing programme. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Compare the use of different methods of research in computing.

  2. Critically evaluate and review different types of publication.

  3. Formulate a research question and select an appropriate methodology to investigate it.

  4. Design and carry out a significant research project in an area of computing.

  5. Present and report on research in a manner acceptable to the computing research community. 

% Coursework 100%