Road and Transport Engineering 301 (A)


Upon successful completion of this module the learner shall be able to perform and organise transport surveys and assessments, design and evaluate
road alignments and cross-sections and junctions based on current safety and design standards, and determine the characteristics of road pavements
and drainage systems. They shall be able to design and specify requirements for sustainable mobility, shared spaces and active travel on urban and rural
road networks and places to current Irish standards and guidelines and using current computer software. They shall have knowledge of the principles of
sustainable transport planning, modelling and demand studies, including the use of public and stakeholder consultation, environmental impact
assessment and requirements under current climate action plans and sustainable development goals.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of Irish roads authorities, the road classification system, and the requirements for the management and operation of the public road network, and appraisal of road and transport plans and schemes.

  2. Evaluate, analyse and design geometric urban and rural road alignments, road junctions and road cross−sectional elements in accordance with relevant Irish and European geometric design and safety standards and guidelines for all road users, including active and sustainable travel modes.

  3. Describe and specify the material and technical requirements for flexible and rigid highway pavements and road drainage systems.

  4. Perform in teams and describe traffic surveys and the collection and analysis of road traffic data, sustainable and active transport facilities, and production of topographic mapping, road alignment and junction analysis and layout assessment to current standards, and using software packages.

  5. Describe, compile and report on the findings of road and transport surveys, road design evaluation practical work, and transport research project work using both oral and written communication techniques.

% Coursework 40%
% Final Exam 60%