Soil Science and Nutrient Management
This module provides the student with a detailed understanding of soil classification and information systems, as well as the physical, biological and chemical processes that occur within soils. This includes understanding the impact soil type and soil physical characteristics have on soil fertility, nutrient cycling, carbon, and water storage. Building on this knowledge students will appraise different land management options appropriate to different soil types. Practical skills attained will include the ability to identify and manage different soil types, analyse, and interpret key soil physical, chemical and biological properties, and devise appropriate nutrient management plans.
Learning Outcomes
Articulate an in-depth knowledge of soil classification and identification methods including the use of soil information systems
Measure and critically interpret key soil physical, chemical, and biological characterises
Compare and contrast different soil types and the appropriate sustainable agricultural management of them
Identify and critically evaluate soil management challenges and design appropriate amelioration techniques
Critically evaluate fertiliser strategies and nutrient management plans appropriate to specific soil characteristics