An introduction to the principles of thermodynamics
Learning Outcomes
Describe in detail the state of a thermodynamic system as well as the properties and characteristics of thermodynamic processes (Isobaric, Isochoric, Isothermal, Polytropic, Adibatic)
State the Zeroth and First Law of thermodynamics and demonstrate its application to both closed and open thermodynamic systems by been able to solve thermodynamic problems involving an ideal gas, phase change fluids, and incompressible substances by using the steady flow energy equation
Calculate using steady flow energy equation, enthalpy temperature diagrams and steam tables the work and power generated in a steam power plant
Apply the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to work processes in thermodynamics components and to all cycles for energy efficient and sustainable power production, for the listed thermodynamic systems:
o Carnot Heat Engine and Heat Pump
o Stirling Heat Engine
o Otto Heat Engine
o Diesel Heat Engine
o Simple Brayton Heat EngineAnalyse and Evaluate the actual and ideal vapour compression refrigeration cycle and hense analyse the operation of heat pumps and refrigeration systems, with a view to increasing energy efficiency, and the delivery of sustainable energy solutions to support the SDGs 12 and 13.