Work Based Learning 2 (A)


The work-based learning (WBL) module is an integral component of the Civil Engineering Apprenticeship Programmes. The module is designed to provide
apprentices with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to transfer and apply classroom learning to the workplace. The integration of the academic
theories with the professional work setting enables the apprentice to gain a wider breadth of application for the academic theories and positions covered
in the classroom setting.

Individual experiences in the workplace environment will vary from apprentice to apprentice . The workplace learning element of the programme is
designed in a flexible manner to ensure that each apprentice is given the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies gained in the
academic modules into a real-life workplace context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe and communicate how the regulatory constraints affect the operations of the company, and how ethical considerations affect their conduct as a technician.

  2. Select the appropriate tools, methodologies and techniques to solve Civil Engineering problems, and design and implement solutions.

  3. Communicate findings to stakeholders and management, and work effectively as a team member.

  4.  Apply management skills within their occupation as a technician.

  5. Analyse, measure performance and continuously improve company processes with innovative technical solutions.

  6. Demonstrate an ability to reflect on and analyse relevant themes throughout the academic session.

  7. Apply theoretical knowledge gained from academic modules to the Civil Engineering Profession.
