Work Based Learning 3 (A)


The work-based learning (WBL) module is an integral component of the Civil Engineering Apprenticeship Programmes. The module is designed to provide apprentices with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to transfer and apply classroom learning to the workplace. The integration of the academic theories with the professional work setting enables the apprentice to gain a wider breadth of application for the academic theories and positions covered in the classroom setting.

Individual experiences in the workplace environment will vary from apprentice to apprentice . The workplace learning element of the programme is designed in a flexible manner to ensure that each apprentice is given the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies gained in the academic modules into a real-life workplace context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Lead technical projects and design and implement technical solutions under quality systems and procedures

  2. Participate in process planning according to company quality policies and system

  3. Compile and report on a Student selected Civil Engineering project in relation to the contract details, claims, costs and time of completion of the project

  4. Select and Evaluate the processes of Project Management and their applications in a Civil Engineering Context.

  5. Research the underlying science and engineering behind a particular aspect of civil engineering

  6. Design and execute an experimental study, case study, design study, computer program analysis or other analysis method to investigate a civil engineering problem

  7. Compile and report in a clear and concise manner a review of relevant literature, the findings and results of laboratory work, case studies, surveys and design studies

  8. Communicate effectively, in a variety of formats and using appropriate technology, the findings and results of their research
